Sunday, December 26, 2010

We're finally on iTunes!

That's right kids, our debut album "Are You Listening?" is now available on iTunes, Amazon, MySpace music, Napster, Rhapsody, eMusic, Spotify, Liquid Digital, Verizon V-Cast, Shockhound, Nokia, LastFM, Zune, Medianet, Tradebit, GreatIndie Music, Limewire and Thumbplay. Just go to any of these sites and type in our name. ("Lovejar," of course.)

Now all we need is a few gushing album reviews from our rabid fans! Go ahead, we'll wait.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Another year...

...And it's been a good one for Lovejar. We released our debut album 3 months ago, played some awesome shows, and had a great time doing it all. Thanks for all the support!

But we're gearing up for 2011, which is going to be a very big year for us. We will keep you posted with details as they materialize.

In the meantime, everyone be sure to make it out to see us on the Black Sheep Show with Mike Vitale. (See shows page for more info.) Also, we will be making a special guest appearance with PlanB at KatyJakes' New Year's Eve party.

Happy holidays, and remember to eat responsibly.


Thursday, October 7, 2010


Hello all...

We currently have a show coming up on November 8th
at Bar Lubitsch in Hollywood, but there's a lot more in the works. Keep checking back for info.

Also, our CD is for on sale now at! Just go to the "music" page and click "BUY."

In addition to CDs, we have new band merchandise
including tee-shirts for guys and girls. For now contact me here to purchase. Or just pick one up at a show.

See you all soon.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Welcome to your favorite website for your favorite band!

You've come to the right place for info, photos, music, video... Other stuff... If it pertains to Lovejar you can bet it's here.